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Marketer’s guide to Markov and Shapley Multi-Channel Attribution models

Marketer’s guide to Markov and Shapley Multi-Channel Attribution models

When it comes to multi-channel attribution models, the 2 most common models are Markov and Shapley models. While there are plenty of blogs talking about these models along with the Python libraries to implement them, it was a struggle to find resources that talk about these models, not to a data scientist but a marketer. […]

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Google Analytics: Multi-Channel Attribution Models

Google Analytics: Multi-Channel Attribution Models

So when it comes to attribution modeling, it’s got to get ugly and we all know it. It’s like a typical discussion on UX where no matter who you are, you will always have something to say. I have seen some excellent attribution models and some very ugly ones and the one thing that differentiated […]

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Custom Variables in Google Analytics: Everything you need to know

Custom Variables in Google Analytics: Everything you need to know

The custom variables in GA are defined as a key-value pair to add additional custom segments to your data. The custom variables can help in segmenting data according to some key page, session, and visitor-level attributes. I know all this might be going above your head so hang on and I promise by the end […]

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